Attention! Your rights will be read to you.
You Have The Right To Take Care Of Yourself First, Then Your Loved Ones, And Only Then – About The Whole World
You have the right not to be included in the discussion about any problems; do not study the global news agenda, do not keep abreast of events, and engage in campaign work if you feel bad.
You also have the right to take care of those who depend on you: spouses, children, subordinates and colleagues, readers and subscribers – and only then about all other people.
If you have to do work, you have the right to work first and then think about world injustice.
If you or someone close to you is sick, you have the right to set aside the entire global news agenda and care for those people.
You Have the Right Not to Feel Shame and Guilt for Things You Didn’t Personally Do
If someone accuses you of things you didn’t do, you have the right to ignore those accusations and stop contacting that person.
You have the right not to answer or feel guilty about your friends, colleagues, leaders, government officials, and historical figures.
You also have the right not to feel shame and guilt for inaction. No one has the right to accuse you of not doing something to protect yourself, your children, relatives, spouses or your team.
You Have The Right Not To Have An Opinion About Everything Written On Social Networks
Even if everyone around you has an opinion about what is happening in the country or the world, you have the right not to have an opinion on this matter. Including:
- If the event concerns morality and ethics, you have the right not to give it any assessment;
- If the event concerns you personally, you have the right not to comment on it publicly;
- When it comes to blatant injustice, unimaginable violence, perfidious behavior, and betrayal – you have the right not to speak out about this.
No one has the right to force you to comment on and evaluate any events, impose their opinion on you, or demand this opinion from you. You have the right to withdraw from the conversation.
You Have The Right Not To Sacrifice The Safety And Well-Being Of Yourself And Your Loved Ones.
You have the right to ignore or not support any calls for any action if these actions:
- threaten your health and safety;
- threaten the health and safety of your loved ones and family;
- incapacitate you for a substantial amount of time during which you are expected to care for other people;
- jeopardize the well-being, health, and safety of people who depend on your decisions (for example, your employees).
You have the right to take care of yourself and your people, first of all, without succumbing to provocations and calls from people who are not responsible for you.
You Have the Right to Ask for and Get Help
Even if your life circumstances are better than other people’s, you have the right to feel bad, need help, and ask for it. If someone is worse than you, this does not mean that you should shut up and help others, not yourself. You can ask for help even if other people need help too.
You Have the Right to Protect Your Mind
Your sanity, coping ability, concentration, will, and calmness are your mainstays. You have the right to protect it: do not let provocateurs, manipulators, and garbage into it.
Unlocking Mental Calmness: 10 Time-Tested Techniques to De-Stress Your Mind
You have the right to put yourself and your people first. And only then, if you want to deal with all the other people, their ideas, appeals, slogans, ideology, morality, plans, and ambitions.
You have the right to save yourself from coping and moving on.